I am still undecided about the modern theologian (any suggestions would be welcome), but I knew straight away who the ancient would be: John Calvin.
I first became acquainted with Calvin's work during my undergrad. I didn't really read him until the summer of 2010 when I started reading the Institutes. Instead of the stodgy, rationalistic, ethereal man I expected to find, I found a passionate pastor who loved the Bible. He is brilliant, to be sure, but his writting is pastoral and deep. It takes some time and work to read him, separated as we are by nearly 500 years and different languages, but the effort is worth it.
The title of this blog is "My heart I offer." I took this from Calvin's motto, "My heart I offer, Lord, promptly and sincerely." For me that is a prayer and a goal.
This blog will contain reflections. Here I hope to reflect on theology, on life at seminary, and on preparation for the ministry. It may be a bit amorphous at the beginning, and as schoolwork piles up, my blogs may be sporadic as well. In all of it, though, I hope it will live up to the title.
My heart I offer, Lord, quickly and sincerely.
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